If you read the statistics below, you’ll see why an organization such as the Robin Terry Foundation, Inc. is needed. Together, we can help our teens beat these odds. It’s important that they understand that they are resilient. We can prevent teen pregnancy through education and mentorship. We can be the catalyst that causes teen mothers (and fathers) to not be the parents of multiple premarital pregnancies. We can positively influence them to reach their full potential. They do not have to settle for mediocrity.
16 million girls age 15-19 give birth each year worldwide
In 2018, 179,871 babies were born to girls age 15-19
17.4 births per 1000 girls nationally
In 2019, 38% of high school students reported being sexually active nationwide
89% of teenage parents are unmarried
Only 50% of teen mothers age 15-19 earn a high school diploma
50% of teen mothers go on welfare within the first year
The daughters of teen mothers are more likely than their peers to become teen mothers
Sons of teen mothers have a greater chance than their peers of going to prison
By age 30, only 1.5% of women who were teen moms have a college degree
"Rates of teen pregnancy in the U.S. remain far higher than in most developed countries, and among women younger than 30 who experience a pregnancy, more than half report their pregnancy was unintended."
Teen Pregnancy by Ethnicity in 15-19-Year-Old Girls in 2018
27 per 1,000 pregnancies in Hispanic teen girls
26 per 1,000 pregnancies in African-American teen girls
12 per 1,000 pregnancies in Caucasian teen girls
*These statistics have decreased dramatically since 2000, but we still have more work to do.
In the State of Mississippi
27.8 births per 1,000 girls in 2018
2,808 teen births in 2018
12.1 births per 1000 girls age 15-17
83% of pregnancies among teens were first births; 17% of pregnancies were subsequent births
In the State of Tennessee
25.3 births per 1,000 girls in 2018
5,258 teen births in 2018
9.5 births per 1000 girls age 15-17
1% of pregnancies among teens were in girls under the age of 15
84% of pregnancies among teens were first births; 16% of pregnancies were subsequent births
For more information on teen pregnancy please visit: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Teen Help, and The Center for Disease Control and Prevention